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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2024

Week 6_Reflection on Flipped Learning

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  Flipped Learning offers outstanding benefits that are easy to recognize. Perhaps, until now, you have never applied this method in your classroom, but through our Internet in Language Teaching class, we have gained practical experience on how to run an effective flipped classroom, even from a student’s perspective. Our teachers have set weekly tasks and strict deadlines, making the class highly effective. During discussions, my group (Group 5) did not have time to ask all our questions due to time limits, so we continued our discussions privately in our chat group. This allowed our group's moderator to bring up questions for class discussion. I believe other groups are also concerned about this issue. Here are some key questions we have: Is a flipped classroom suitable for younger students, such as those in elementary, middle, or even high school? How can we track student preparation to ensure they are keeping up with their work? In cases where only some students prepare their le...

Week 5_Reflection on Project-based Learning and Rubrics

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  In today's class, we discussed rubrics and practiced creating them for evaluating student work. I found this topic quite interesting because I have never used rubrics before. Our teacher recommended a useful tool called Rubistar , which helps create rubrics using existing templates. I used Rubistar to develop a rubric for assessing students' work on the topic "Write a thank you letter to your teacher." With Rubistar's support, I identified three main elements of a rubric: criteria, levels of performance, and descriptors. Rubistar provides the criteria and descriptors for selected topics, so I only needed to arrange them logically and add my desired performance levels. This tool was very helpful. However, Rubistar has some limitations. It offers a limited number of templates and topics, which doesn't meet the diverse evaluation needs of today. Additionally, it restricts the addition of new criteria or performance levels, only allowing adjustments to criteria...

Week 4_Reflection on Websites for Reading and Writing Skills and Technology-enhanced Lesson Plan

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The lesson on "writing a technology-enhanced lesson plan" provided a new perspective on lesson plan preparation. Technology is increasingly influential in all areas of life, including education. However, formally incorporating "technology" into lesson plans, as we did this week, was a novel experience for me. Are you familiar with the structure of our typical lesson plans? Here’s the one I usually follow, which I believe many in our class use as well. Notice that "technology" is only listed under "materials" and not explicitly mentioned. Now, look at the revised lesson plan structure I created based on our teacher’s suggestion for a "technology-enhanced lesson plan." This structure highlights the importance of technology in lesson design, not just as a material. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d1-2IS8WVFKvR9HsgaKQlzvKZsEvF8CC/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103725282033164014821&rtpof=true&sd=true In this new approach, "techn...

Week 3_Reflection on Aural/oral skill-building website and creating a social bookmarking page

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Hello everyone! Today is the first day of the week, and though busy, it is full of energy. It's the perfect time to share my thoughts about my first session as a moderator for a group discussion. To prepare for the discussion, I researched the content and created a slide presentation to share some knowledge with the group. Our teachers provided many useful materials. However, there was too much information, so I selected three main topics to ensure we had enough time to discuss them within an hour. First, we discussed some websites that aid in teaching listening skills. Everyone in the class has access to many resources, but most had not encountered the two websites introduced by the teacher: Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab ( https://www.esl-lab.com/ ) and Elllo ( https://elllo.org/ ). All group members agreed that these websites are useful. We also shared some feedback about both sites. The website offers a variety of listening quizzes categorized into different levels such ...